Hello world!
I'm an astrophysicist working at Queen Mary University of London
NEWS: I gave a talk at the Royal Institution
NEWS: At the start of 2023 I was awarded a ~€2M ERC consolidator grant to study planet-forming discs in harsh UV environments. The project name is FRIED
I am interested in many topics in astronomy, including
Working with data from state of the art observational facilities such as ALMA and JWST
I am on the science team of a UV space telescope proposal Hyperion and its successor, Eos
Understanding planet diversity in terms of wider diversity in the universe
Protoplanetary disc photoevaporation (internally and externally)
Photosynthesis on exoplanets
The evolution of star forming regions
Feedback and triggered star formation
Cloud-cloud collisions
Synthetic observations (of pretty much anything)
Radiation hydrodynamics
Code comparison (StarBench)
Creativity and Curiosity - a collaboration between artists and astronomers
I currently lecture the Masters level Radiative Transfer and Astrochemistry course at QMUL